Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Almost a week...

My sister asked me today why I haven't blogged and I can't believe it has been almost a week since the last post.  Anyhow, this is how I have spent the past week:

I have been kinda busy being a Granny!  Bradley was with us from Thursday to Sunday while his Mommy was away.  Then on Sunday we went to a lovely afternoon tea for Liam's birthday. He really is a sweet kid and has so much character.  I worked on Monday then attended an AGM meeting in the evening. Tuesday again and then spent the afternoon with Anthony - we had lunch with Lillis at Wimpy and really had a fun time!

Today I caught up on some TV. My "page a day challenge" is still in effect and I am gaining!  Slowly the pile of photos is getting smaller and the pages are forming.  I finished reading Julia's Chocolates - absolutely enjoyed it.

So, that's what has been keeping me busy.  I need to take photos of the pages I have completed but need to do it in daylight.

Till next time - keep warm!!

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Just a list ...

I copied "Just a list" from Ali's blog!  Thanks for the inspiration Ali x 

listening : The dog next door howling
reading : Julia's Chocolates
watching : Programmes taped on PVR
eating : Steak, mash and veggies for dinner
drinking : Tea
weather : Sunny
wearing : Brown
feeling : Happy
wanting : To get more pages completed
needing : To get organised
enjoying : Scrapbooking challenge set by me for me!
thankful : For all my blessings!

Monday, 18 July 2011

Some inspiration from The Brave Girls Club

Most all of us have private little hurts that no one really knows about...things that we struggle with day after day...with a smile on our faces, doing our best to make the most of life, but with a tinge of pain that is almost always there. It is the human part of us.

Sometimes the hurts and the struggles are so big, so so big, and we do a really good job of covering them up and working through them, and inside we are weary and tired. Isn't this true, lovely friend? Sometimes we just want others to SEE so that we can stop making excuses for all of the things that we can not do.

The most important thing we can do, the most HEALING thing we can do is to recognize this pain in others, even when we have our own to deal with. Sometimes when someone seems grouchy, distant or irresponsible, it is because they are doing all that they can to hold everything together. Sometimes this is truer than true about our own selves.

We need to be kind, compassionate and patient with each other. We need to look past the way things may look on the outside and SEE the way things really are. We need to love each other in all of our frailness, in our weakness and in our "worst" moments....we need to do this for others, but we MOST OF ALL need to do this for ourselves.

You are doing enough. You are stronger and braver than you think you are. You are not alone in the way that you feel, each person beside you, in front of you and behind you is also working through something right now.

Be kind to YOU, be kind to others. We can do SO MUCH for each other.


Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Just a picture...

I was sorting out my photos and came across this picture I took a while ago.  I love "old fashioned" things  and the dresser is one of my treasures!