Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Resolutions - in November?!

On 1st November I made some resolutions - sounds strange but nevertheless I did.  One of the things I need to change are my eating habits!  I tend to starve myself the whole day then eat whatever is in sight as soon as I get home. Biscuits and sweets ~  I have been doing this for years!  Then I end up not eating supper and the circle begins again.  So in reality all I was eating was just junk!

Well, this is what my eating plan has changed to
  • Eating breakfast EVERY morning
  • Fruit  at around 10h00
  • Something light for lunch like a sandwich
  • Fruit when I get home around 15h00
  • Dinner ~ but still a very small portion
  • Lots of water
I set myself a challenge a while ago of doing "A page a Day" to get my scrapbooking upto date.  Sadly I didn't keep it up.  I started sorting things out and have completed 5 whole pages since the weekend.  Gordon made a comment on the weekend that I have so many photos that are already developed "Why don't you just do the ones you already have?!" This is exactly what I am doing so hopefully by the end of November I will have completed no less than 30 pages.

The paper clutter that I have is diminishing - everyday I am working at getting rid of the paper.

I love motivational quotes and have them written down all over.  I decided to get them all together and write them in a single notebook.

The next on my list is my cupboard - I am hoping to get started on it this afternoon.

Finally to catch up on the movies on the PVR.  I watch movies in stages so I completed The Green Mile this morning.


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